
Camping near Cape Town, Cheap Camping Sites in Cape Town

We are based on a farm on the very corner of Stellenbosch Farms about 13 kilometers from Stellenbosch Town and 33 kilometers from Cape Town.

The GPS Co-ordinates

Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)
S33° 52′ 17.7234″ E18° 44′ 5.4234″

Decimal Degrees (DD)
S33.87159, E018.73484

Degrees Lat Long (DLL) 
-33.8715898°, 018.7348398°

Degrees Minutes (DM)
-33°52.29539′, 018°44.09039′

Then please follow signs

Getting here from the N1

Come off the N1 at Junction 32
Follow signs for the M15 and Van Riebeeck Road Kraaifontein
Continue the town will disappear and you will start to see open fields.
You will cross two roundabouts.
After about 4km’s from the N1 or 100 meters from the roundabout look out for a single pine tree on the left and a sign saying “Green Acres

Turn left at the sign onto a gravel track; continue down the track until you arrive at Green Acres on your right. Turn left up a narrower track
African Overlanders is at the end, come through the gate, ring the doorbell or follow directions on the sign.


Getting here from the N2


Come of the N2 at Junction 22 the R300 and head to Belville
At Junction 25 turn left towards Bellville.
First right onto La Belle Street
First set of traffic lights turn right M23 Bottelary Road
After 7.5km’s turn left onto Botfontein Road signpost M15 Kraaifontein
After 1.5km’s look out for a single pine tree on the right and a sign saying “Green Acres”
Turn right at the sign onto a gravel track; continue down the track until you arrive at Green Acres on your right. Turn left up a narrower track
African Overlanders is at the end, come through the gate, ring the doorbell or follow directions on the sign.