Opening Hours

We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, so we would be very happy to welcome you at any point.

As we not only have camping but there are several other parts to our business we are not always on-site. However access can always be given when you arrive.

We will be here every evening between 6pm and 9pm to answer any questions you may have about storage, shipping and African travel.

If you wish to visit us please either email us in advance or when you arrive at the gate SMS +27715219742 if the gate is closed.

At close to harvest season each year there is a gate on the main road that is closed to keep the farmers crops safe, it says “this gate works on a timer” it will only be shut from dusk till dawn, please also send us an SMS and we can open this gate for you as well remotely.

We look forward to seeing you at African Overlanders.